Sunday 24 July 2011

Reflective Blog: Week 5

And miles to go before I sleep

Week 5 is very hard, but innovative. Perhaps I am going deeper into the various aspects of the E-skills course. Susan Gaer’s article on web based instruction is an article with difference. It has given me practical tips in implementing projects in my classroom. Project works really develop collaboration and language skills. In fact I have facilitated a few projects with the teacher trainees in my institute. I have learned a lot about assessment. Alternative assessment is really the need of the hour. Assessment with clearly specified rubrics will help teachers to make assessments objective and learner friendly. Learners can use these rubrics for self assessment and peer assessment.

                The best thing I learned this week is how to prepare a WebQuest. WebQuests are really helpful for both students and teachers. I have developed a webquest titled ‘Practising prosodic features for better teacher talk’. My webquest URL link is: http//

I think webquests are real resources for students. My trainee teachers can go through my webquest, do the tasks and follow the processes mentioned in it. In the title as well as the introduction part, I have put a few interesting resources such as audios and videos for practicing prosodic features. Hence I have learned how to create a technology enhanced webquest. This will be useful for me in my final project.

                It’s a very productive week with a lot of hard work. Though the assignments were tough, it is a fruitful week. I think I have to work hard. As Robert Frost said “And miles to go before I sleep”



  1. Hi PK,

    I too think it was a really hard week, but it was fruitful and we are learning by doing (surfing and reading the assigned links) and creating new rubrics which is how we should plan our modules. This method is excellent in the fact that it is gearing us towards communicative and autonomous learning and teaching which is far more better than the traditional way.

  2. Hi PK
    The Robert Frost poem reference is fitting this week! We are halfway to the end of the journey. Keep up the great work.
