Friday 26 August 2011

A Moment of Great Exhilaration

I have almost touched the finishing point. What appeared to me as an endless quest finally comes to an exhilarating finish. The road was bumpy. But the driver, our E-teacher Elliot was resolute and confident. I was convinced that I will be able to complete the journey. Now I am a different human being and teacher. I have acquired a lot, in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude. I have learnt how to integrate technology for promoting better learning. I have also learnt that technology can make learners interactive and autonomous.  Technology can engage the students in meaningful learning.

In the first week of the programme I was confused. I even thought that I won’t complete the course. My condition became worse when my colleagues asked what I was always doing with my laptop. But I was determined. I thought they were a bit cynical. I told them about the E-Skills programme and the kind of work we have been doing. Then they really appreciated our work. 

I have followed all the directions properly. Whenever I had any problem I contacted my E-teacher Robert and he responded promptly. Some of my E-pals also gave me a lot of help. I always made it a point to read the articles in-depth and related those ideas to my classroom context. I tried to put some of these concepts/ideas/tools into practice in my class.  A few good things I would like to say about the E-skills course. One thing is one needn’t have to be a computer wizard to do the programme. If you have basic computer skills and ready to do dedicated work then I think you will be able to do the course. Secondly, Robert is a real inspiration, and he is a wonderful facilitator. Thirdly, I got lots of help and support from my E-pals. Some of them are very good academics. They have shown me the right direction. I congratulate RELO, the University of Oregon and the experts behind the programme for admitting a group of teachers across the world in this wonderful programme. 

I will not regret my hard work. Now I am a new ESL Teacher. I will be able teach well. I will be able show new directions to my trainee teachers. I will use technology for empowering the teachers and students. I will work for a brave new world in ESL. This course has given me a lot of knowledge, skills, attitude and motivation for realizing all these dreams. 

Thanks to Robert, RELO, New Delhi and Oregon university,

Thanks to all colleagues for being wonderful friends and motivators. 


Sunday 21 August 2011

WEEK-9 Week of Styles

What a wonderful journey it is!

Week-9 is a relaxed one compared to week-8. Week-8 was really hectic.  After many hours of reading, writing and rewriting I completed my draft project. How will Robert give feedback to my first draft was the question that came to my mind. Online peer reading is a very innovative way of giving feedback without face to face dialoguing. Technology has made the world smaller. I, P.K.Jayaraj, sitting here at Bangalore in India and Javier Burgos from Ecuador reading and responding to each other’s work without face to face meeting is a wonderful idea.  Peer reading has created lot of sharing and collaboration.

I enjoyed reading the articles on multiple intelligences and learning styles.  Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple intelligence addresses differences of learners in terms of teaching and learning from different perspectives. One individual/student may differ from others with different skills. One student may show skills in language and acting, one may enjoy dealing with people and one other may be interested in playing in musical instruments. Gardner formulated a list of eight intelligences: Verbal-Linguistic (Word Smart); Logical-Mathematical (Number Smart), Visual-Spatial (Picture Smart), Bodily-Kinesthetic (Body Smart), Musical-Rhythmic (Music Smart), Interpersonal (People Smart), Intrapersonal (Myself Smart) and Naturalistic  (Nature Smart).

How can we use technology to address a range of learning styles and MI components in the classroom? My students are in-service teachers undergoing empowerment programme in language and teaching skills. For the first time we have introduced blogging for enhancing reflection and critical thinking of the trainee teachers. Technology-rich environments like blogs will certainly help teachers to respond to individual differences such as cognitive styles, learning styles and multiple intelligences.

After reading this week`s articles on Technology, MI and Learning styles I have created a table reflecting my idea about the technology tools. I will work with these tools with my trainee teachers. Here is my table. (

The E-skills course is going to end next week. Sleepless nights and toiling with internet and websites are coming to an end. The greatest thing is that one need not be a technology expert to do the course. Robert and my E-pals all made it a collaborative venture. I will not regret my hard work and sleepless nights. I have learnt a lot. What a wonderful journey it is!


Friday 19 August 2011

Multiple Intelligences and Technology

After reading this week`s articles on Technology, MI and Learning styles I have created a table a table reflecting my idea about the technology tools. I will work with these tools with my trainee teachers. Here is my table.

Technology Activities
practicing language skills with interactive software or on Websites, using word processors, using spelling and grammar checkers, creating multimedia reports, writing and reading email, using the Web for research, ESL Games, listening etc.
(for listening –podcasts)
Using software or Websites with brain teasers, puzzles, games of logic, etc.
playing card games, using graphics programs, learning with pictures on CD or DVD or with video clips on the Web, using presentation software, creating videos or digital storytelling products.
For digital story telling
playing computer games, using TPR-based instructional software, using simulation software or virtual reality environments on the Web
listening to and interacting with songs on software or on the Web, composing digital music live or on interactive Websites
using email, text or voice chatting, using cell phones, engaging in computer-supported collaborative learning (e.g., e-pals or the GLOBE project)
using intelligent tutoring systems, using speech recognition devices, using news groups, meta-cognitive journaling or blogging, using mind-mapping software or Websites, learning about computers using software or Websites
News groups-

Friday 12 August 2011

Week-8: Wonders with ANVILL


Wonders with ANVILL

This week I think is the most difficult one for me so far. The pressure was too much. Still I could complete the draft project in time. Finally I managed to send the draft projects to my peers for reading. I think I have done something really fruitful.

     I started doing the weekly tasks only during midweek. Thanks to Jeff our guest facilitator. Anvill is a great work for the cause of English language education. It took me a lot of time to understand the potentials of ANVILL. An online language lab, that too free and user friendly, it is really a great idea. The voiceboards and how it works is really interesting. This tool will help us a lot in teaching oral skills. It will be a blessing to second language learners of English. Teaching pronunciation is one of the hard spots in ESL. I think voiceboards can help us a lot.

This week I created a class survey for collecting feedback from my teacher trainees. The URL of my

Teacher Development Program Evaluation survey form is . I did it using Google doc.  Google doc is a wonderful tool for ESL teachers. Using this we can create all kinds of surveys and feedback forms.

On ANVILL, I created a course ‘E mail campaign among ESL Teachers’ ( To see it, you may need to log in. The course I have created contains a quiz, a voiceboard and a lesson. If we make our students work with it I am sure that they will get a lot of opportunities for improving their English language communication skills.      Thirdly I have created a webpage namely “ESL Empowerment at RIESI” ( ) using Google sites. To visit this site please paste the URL on the address bar. It contains activities for improving accuracy of the teacher trainees.

    Now we are approaching the final phase of the E-skills course. The journey is finally coming to an end. The programme has made me skillful. I have read the draft projects of Javier and Santiago. I’ll do it today. Another week for the final project. Heartfelt thanks to Robert and my E-pals.


Sunday 7 August 2011

Week 7 - One-computer -a dynamic learning tool

Week 7

One-computer -a dynamic learning tool

There are schools in south India that do not have computers. In the places where there are computers teachers don’t use it. In most of the schools at least there is one computer.  Even with only one computer in the classroom, there are many ways to use technology effectively to improve student learning. Teachers can use the computer as a tool in their own work. We can use word processor to prepare tests, a spreadsheet to keep grades and the Internet to find lesson plans and resources for teaching.

     I usually use my computer (laptop) as a presentation tool. I use it along with LCD projector to present audio/visual content to my class. It is also a wonderful tool for the generation, production and display of students’ work. It is a good cooperative learning tool.

Thanks to Robert and the articles I read during this week. The idea of learning station is wonderful. Learning station in one computer classroom!
We can use a computer as a Learning Station for:
 ·         To create work products
       ·         Drafting, revising and editing
       ·         Publishing
       ·         Doing projects
       ·         Searching resources
       ·         Storyboard planning
       ·         Peer reviewing and feedback
My trainee teachers also use computer to support their presentations. In one computer classroom students can undertake group project work. But time factor is a big problem. Most of the students have to wait for their turn to work with the computer. Class is often noisy. In spite of all these one computer can be used as a dynamic and creative tool to promote cooperative learning.
 Our guest moderator Racquel is a linguist. I am delighted to know that she has done a lot of work in revitalizing endangered indigenous languages. Racquel facilitated wonderful interaction this week. The discussion on the topic learner autonomy was very useful. How to make our students autonomous learners? The articles I read during this week, gave me a lot of practical and pedagogically sound tips for promoting learner autonomy in the classroom.
Finally the ‘One computer lesson’. I wrote the lesson plan based on my teaching learning experience with my trainee teachers. The experience and insights from the course is getting more productive and deeper.  Many thanks to Robert. He is in fact inviting guest teachers to promote more interaction. Great work. Thanks to Racqel and my E-pals.