Sunday 7 August 2011

Week 7 - One-computer -a dynamic learning tool

Week 7

One-computer -a dynamic learning tool

There are schools in south India that do not have computers. In the places where there are computers teachers don’t use it. In most of the schools at least there is one computer.  Even with only one computer in the classroom, there are many ways to use technology effectively to improve student learning. Teachers can use the computer as a tool in their own work. We can use word processor to prepare tests, a spreadsheet to keep grades and the Internet to find lesson plans and resources for teaching.

     I usually use my computer (laptop) as a presentation tool. I use it along with LCD projector to present audio/visual content to my class. It is also a wonderful tool for the generation, production and display of students’ work. It is a good cooperative learning tool.

Thanks to Robert and the articles I read during this week. The idea of learning station is wonderful. Learning station in one computer classroom!
We can use a computer as a Learning Station for:
 ·         To create work products
       ·         Drafting, revising and editing
       ·         Publishing
       ·         Doing projects
       ·         Searching resources
       ·         Storyboard planning
       ·         Peer reviewing and feedback
My trainee teachers also use computer to support their presentations. In one computer classroom students can undertake group project work. But time factor is a big problem. Most of the students have to wait for their turn to work with the computer. Class is often noisy. In spite of all these one computer can be used as a dynamic and creative tool to promote cooperative learning.
 Our guest moderator Racquel is a linguist. I am delighted to know that she has done a lot of work in revitalizing endangered indigenous languages. Racquel facilitated wonderful interaction this week. The discussion on the topic learner autonomy was very useful. How to make our students autonomous learners? The articles I read during this week, gave me a lot of practical and pedagogically sound tips for promoting learner autonomy in the classroom.
Finally the ‘One computer lesson’. I wrote the lesson plan based on my teaching learning experience with my trainee teachers. The experience and insights from the course is getting more productive and deeper.  Many thanks to Robert. He is in fact inviting guest teachers to promote more interaction. Great work. Thanks to Racqel and my E-pals.

1 comment:

  1. Hi P.K.
    Nice reflection. I really think the picture captures the essence of the power of the computer. Did you take the picture, I wonder?
