Friday 19 August 2011

Multiple Intelligences and Technology

After reading this week`s articles on Technology, MI and Learning styles I have created a table a table reflecting my idea about the technology tools. I will work with these tools with my trainee teachers. Here is my table.

Technology Activities
practicing language skills with interactive software or on Websites, using word processors, using spelling and grammar checkers, creating multimedia reports, writing and reading email, using the Web for research, ESL Games, listening etc.
(for listening –podcasts)
Using software or Websites with brain teasers, puzzles, games of logic, etc.
playing card games, using graphics programs, learning with pictures on CD or DVD or with video clips on the Web, using presentation software, creating videos or digital storytelling products.
For digital story telling
playing computer games, using TPR-based instructional software, using simulation software or virtual reality environments on the Web
listening to and interacting with songs on software or on the Web, composing digital music live or on interactive Websites
using email, text or voice chatting, using cell phones, engaging in computer-supported collaborative learning (e.g., e-pals or the GLOBE project)
using intelligent tutoring systems, using speech recognition devices, using news groups, meta-cognitive journaling or blogging, using mind-mapping software or Websites, learning about computers using software or Websites
News groups-

1 comment:

  1. Hi P.K.Jayaraj,

    I agree that the idea of peer-reading is a good one that I would like to use it in my writing classes, in which my students can to read their partner’s writing and give constructive feedback and exchange ideas. First, I’ll introduce the rubric assessment with criteria for them to follow, then students themselves give feedback to each other. That can motivate collaboration work and information share.

    The topic in week 9 is pretty interesting. We can know the relationship between multiple intelligences and learning styles with the help of technology. It’s logically nice that you created a table with technology tools that you will work with your trainee teachers. I think it’ll be a good guide for you to address learning styles with technology intervention.

    The E-skills course is coming to an end but I think it never “ends” at all. I’m sure we know how to develop our teaching with the help of tech tools and keep going.

    Phuong Mai
